
The vision that CIIC aspires to contribute to is:

Te au apinga puapinga te ka tauturu i te iti-tangata Kuki Airani.


“Quality assets that serve the Cook Islands people.”

A longer version of the CIIC vision has also been developed to provide better context

Tau meitaki no te akakoro’anga, akatuke atu i te au apinga no te

katoatoa te ka oronga mai, tauturu mate akameitaki atu i te turanga

ora’anga o te iti-tangata Kuki Airani.


“Fit for purpose, transformational public assets that deliver, serve,

and improve the wellbeing of the Cook Islands people, in harmony

with our culture and our environment.”

CIIC’s vision (quality assets that serve the Cook Islands people) has a very wide remit, therefore has a vast scope of responsibilities and contributes in a number of ways to the National vision and national development sustainable plan.

CIIC’s vast scope of responsibility includes:

  1. Crown land, Government infrastructure including Government buildings,
  2. The Ports and Airports of Rarotonga and Aitutaki,
  3. Te Aponga Uira Power Authority and Te Mana Uira o Araura,
  4. Bank of the Cook Islands,
  5. Investments in reticulated Water and Sanitation,
  6. Telecommunications infrastructure and enterprises including Avaroa Cable,
  7. Facilities management including Punanga Nui Market; and
  8. Seabed mineral assets and enterprises

The CIIC has a vast scope of responsibilities with technical ownership of all crown assets and contributing to national development across a number of areas.

The 2020 National Vision

“Te oraanga tu rangatira kia tau ki te anoano o te iti tangata, e kia tau ki ta tatou peu Maori e te aotini taporoporoia o te basileia.”


“To enjoy the highest quality of life consistent with the aspirations of our people, and in harmony with our culture and environment.”

The National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) is developed from the 2020 National Vision. The NSDP sets out 16 dimensions of the country’s development and provides an outline to measure state progress, with the NSDP goals used as an organizing tool in defining what is important to Cook Islanders.