Emphasizing hand hygiene importance for a safer community


Highlighting the significance of hand hygiene, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, CIIC and Te Marae Ora, emphasizes the importance of hand hygiene in creating a safer school environment.

At the February 2024 ceremony marking the completion of the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in Schools project, Acting Secretary of Education, Mrs. Sanjinita Sunish, stressed the significance of hand hygiene in fostering a healthier school community, stating, “ADB’s support not only encourages positive hand hygiene behavior but also promotes a safer, healthier school community.”

Let’s remember the power of proper handwashing with soap and water in preventing infections and safeguarding our communities. Whether at home, school, or in public spaces, practicing good hand hygiene is crucial for public health.




For more information please contact:

Ine Sosene

Consultant, ADB Strengthening WASH Practices in the Pacific Technical Assistance (TA 6551)

E: inez.sosene@gmail.com; P: +682 56749

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