Equality and non-discrimination at core of Redevelopment Plan


Tereora College Redevelopment Project Release, 20 April 2016

In early February, Project Management Unit (PMU) representatives met with relevant stakeholders to inform them of the Cabinet-approved redevelopment plans for Tereora College. This was one of many steps taken to ensure that designs were directed by teaching and learning needs. The meetings also reiterated the preservation of Tereora College’s long history, cultural traditions, and equality and non-discrimination are all fundamental to the Cook Islands Government redevelopment plans.

Almost all who attended the presentations expressed strong support for the plan, indicating that improved learning environments will result in better educational outcomes over the long-term. The buildings will be one of a kind and appropriate for a modern learning environment in the 21st century. It will give an opportunity for students to choose how they learn in different environments and help them prepare for future careers.

In addition, a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) was compiled by social sector analyst Colleen Peacock-Taylor during her visit to Rarotonga in March. Taylor was contracted by the New Zealand Government to assess the likely impacts of Stage 1 activities from a gender equality, social inclusion and rights based perspective. Her assessment focused on three main stakeholder groups including:

  1. Tereora College students, parents and staff.
  2. Tereora College landowners and
  3. Government and Non-Government Organisations (NGO’s) with direct interest in the functioning of the College.

The assessment looked at the potential social impacts of Stage 1 activities so that effective risk management and mitigation strategies can be implemented. This report is publicly available upon request to the PMU – email tc.redevelopment@cookislands.gov.ck.

Meanwhile, detailed designs are on schedule for completion in May, followed by the tendering of the construction contract in June. Demolition works will begin in December 2016, ensuring minimal disruption to regular operations within the College. Stage 1 buildings are set to be commissioned before the start of the 2018 academic year.

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