Te Mana Uira o Araura Limited (TMU)

Mr John Baxter (Chairperson)
Mr Stephen Doherty (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Paul Henry
Ms Alice Hoff
General Manager: Mr Rimaroa (Long) Tuiravakai

Te Mana Uira o Araura (TMU) is a critical key infrastructure asset for Aitutaki (formerly Aitutaki Power Supply Limited). TMU is a limited liability company with the principal activity of generating and distribute electricity on Aitutaki

To Matou Orama

Kia ka toou rama

“Ko te rare uira tau meitaki, irinakiia, tau o te tutaki’anga e ka roa I te rare’anga no te iti tangata Araura.”

Our Vision

Keep the lights on

“An efficient, reliable, affordable and sustainable electricity service for Aitutaki by Aitutaki.”

Performance in 2021/2022:

  • Community Support Initiatives including Aitutaki 2021 200 years bicentennial celebration including installation of power outlets at Orongo, electricity costs during the celebrations, man power and resources and extension of the town coloured street lights
  • Continuation of building resilient infrastructure including the completion of the underground cabling from Tautu to Vaipae
  • Concluded the work for the Aitutaki Volunteer Fire Brigade Fire Station
  • Formal Apprenticeship Programme with 5x candidates currently working with TMU and working on the completion of formal NZ accredited electrical trades qualifications
  • Cook Islands Renewable Energy Investment Plan (REIP) report finalised in 2021 and outlines plans for Stage 2 and Stage 3 Renewable Energy Project Scoping Report
  • Outlook:
  • Commencement of the Stage 2 and 3 renewable energy project as per REIP report with recommendations to be refined, scoping and securing funding
  • Formalise a communications strategy
  • Human Resource Strategy which will include the hallmark apprenticeship program, other learning and development opportunities
  • Development of a suite of policies and operating procedures
  • Develop a e-business strategy and thereafter focus on a range of initiatives an online portal for customers and pay on-line

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